4/9/2019 Opening Post on the Central Purpose of this blog

Today, is the first day of a new chapter for me to begin sharing my well held political opinions on the current political issues that are circulating around the world. The central core of this blog is to express a style of political coverage which is becoming increasingly absent amongst the news media. I am a passionate advocate of hearing both sides of a political argument. Although, I have my own views, I strongly believe that listening to the opposite argument can often vindicate your own explanation. It is imperative that in this radioactive political climate a common courtesy should be observed and respect other opinions. In a political discussion, you may disagree with 90% of what the other person says but that 10% is what is important. It is called the common ground. This is what modern democracies are currently ignoring. This is the basis of a political solution to find a compromise. Most politicians and many media outlets have forgotten this pillar of democracy. They often pursue an agenda that replaces facts for innocent passions. Unfortunately, this has poisoned the political debate and reputation of reputable journalists. I want to bring back the idea of agreeing to disagree. My political observation will be used to inform those who may not understand the views of others. I will try to remain as apolitical possible but I’m sure this will be questioned.

My intention is to try and see both side of an arguments